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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

life sucks, but pick yourself up

it no easy task this world we live in, but thru the whilwinds that life throws at us we got coast and ride out the storm and that my friends is how we get tougher, we learn and then we gow, i have had alot of crap thrown at me, had a lot of horible crap which i will tell yaabout but i wouldnt go back in time and change a damn thing, not a damnt thing, to cobra, im better for having met u and let me tell ya i will never forget ya, u will be part of my sexual memories for a long time to come, well possibly replaced when i meet a new guy, if i choose too, i learned sex isnt something u wanta just go out and do with anyone, even tho we are adults it can be pretty scary and being female i have to be careful. right now at this point and time i am trying to make a go of dig my art, follow my dream of being a writer, a designer a publiscists, in fashion tatoos jewelry interio decorating, illustrate and write childrens books, if i cant make it on the dig my art alone, i will get a second job a s a secretary, thats what i have been. till next time, follow my blog follow my tweets, or dont i will be here all week, lol, ya im a poet and a songwriter too, music and art and my family and the earth is my life my soul, my bf is cash and my lover is art and cash, and my fav person also is my g-spot, u all know who ya are, i love ya!!